Nepal (Perhaps) to Thailand (Maybe)

Nepal (Perhaps) to Thailand (Maybe)

Hi! My name is Isabel. In September I'm starting a year long tour-cycling adventure.

I'd like to start in the Yunnan district of China and make my way into northern Vietnam, then pedal around SE Asia. I'm mainly looking for a tour cycling companion because female solo travel is pretty risky. I have experience with tour cycling, bikepacking, backpacking, and traveling in general. I have my Wilderness Responder Certificate and I'm mechanically inclined (I used to work at a bike shop). I'm quiet and down to earth. I'm a good communicator and can get along with almost anyone. 

Happy cycling everyone! 

Event Information

Start Date 18-Sep-2024 11:00 am
End Date 19-Aug-2026 6:00 pm
Organiser Profile >> isabel
Approximate Daily Distance 40 - 49 miles
Approximate Total Distance 5000+ miles
Preferred Sleeping Option Warmshowers
Terrain Roads, cycle paths and off road
Starting Location shangri-la
Category Multi-Month Bicycle Tour, Bike Packing Adventure

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