Caution To The Wind

Caution To The Wind

I have absolutely no idea how I am going to do this, but I have this mad idea that just like a lot of people have already, I can travel the world on a bicycle.

I want to do a Northern Hemisphere trip starting in England, that spans across Europe, Asia, North America/Canada and back (not necessarily in that order).

Any advice and any person who wants to be part of this is more than welcome.

As a novice to all of this, I could really do with as much help as possible and despite my stubbornness when it comes to believing I can do it all on my own, in my experience of travelling thus far, it's something that should be shared.

Please feel free to contact me regarding it.

Event Information

Start Date 01-May-2021 7:00 am
End Date 28-Dec-2023 8:00 am
Organiser Profile >> Sam Pateman
Approximate Daily Distance 100+ kilometres
Approximate Total Distance 5000+ kilometres
Preferred Sleeping Option Camping
Starting Location Milton Keynes, UK
Category Multi-Month Bicycle Tour

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